Neon Sign Repairs San Marcos CAFor nearly a century, neon letter signs have been a popular option in the signage industry. They come in many vibrant colors thanks to the minerals used to coat the inside of the glass tubing in these signs. There are also a variety of different gasses used in these markers in addition to neon. As with any signage, neon letters in San Marcos, CA eventually need maintenance. Today, we are going to examine some potential issues neon signs may have and how they are fixed.

Common Problems with Neon Letters

There are three main things that could go wrong with neon letters. These problems include:

  • The transformer stops working
  • A neon section burns out
  • A neon section breaks

When a neon sign starts to have issues, many business owners are hesitant to do anything about it because they are afraid they will have to buy a whole new sign. This is rarely the case. We can usually perform a repair on a part of the sign to get it back up and running again. To give you a better understanding of this, we are going to touch on common symptoms and what causes them.

Repair Neon Signs in San Marcos CASign Flickers and Turns off – This can be caused by a burnt out section or broken section. This is also the case when only sections of your sign light up, and the others are dimly lit. We fix this problem by removing the malfunctioning section and replacing it with a new section. We locate the broken section by going into a completely dark room and turning on the sign. The section that does not even flicker is the broken section.

No Light at All – If you do not get any flickering or dimly lit sections when you turn your sign on, then the transformer has probably gone bad. You will need to have the transformer replaced.

Inconsistent Lighting within a Section – If you notice that one end of the letters of one section lights up fine but the other end is dimly lit or does not light up at all, then the section probably needs to be regased or made new.

We Have Solutions for Your Neon Letter Troubles

Repair Neon Letters in San Marcos CAWhatever the problem may be with your neon letters in San Marcos, CA, we can fix it. It is possible for amateurs to try to repair their own signs, but we advise against it. Neon signs are notoriously finicky and fragile. Plus, when you try to fix your sign yourself, you may void the warranty. At All Star Signs, we have the experience needed to repair your neon letters correctly and quickly.

Before your broken neon sign can cast a dim light on the quality of your business, contact our friendly professionals to repair your marker. We can provide all of the repairs listed above. In addition, if you are tired of the maintenance and electricity costs associated with neon, we can even retrofit your sign with LED lights.

To learn more about what solutions are available to you, call us today for a free consultation.

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